Tuesday, September 24, 2019

National Character Day

Once again, the Ladue School District is commemorating National Character Day on September 26. The district-wide theme is 'High-Tech Character at Ladue' and the focus is on the relationship between technology and character. At Spoede, the Character Education Committee decided our focus would be "Reclaim Joy" and we're asking  kids to consider "unplugging" for 30 minutes the weekend after Character Day 9/27-9/29.

We've discussed the theme as a class, and even brainstormed some ways we could "unplug" during the long weekend.  We'd love to see how you and your family applied the theme, so if you could snap a quick picture and send it in, we'd love to display the different ways our Spoede Turtles "unplugged" this upcoming weekend.  

Thanks for your participation! 
Image result for unplug from technology challenge